Christopher Robin's Neighborhood

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Is Anybody Listening?

Oh, hi!

Sit down, take a load off.

Here's that pie I promised.

Milk? No? Ooooh, sorry to hear that, I hear lactose intolerance is a bitch. Maybe if you got to know a lactose, you wouldn't be so intolerant. *Badum, ching*

Okay, so, anyway...I've figured out a few things, about these blogs. It may not be an earth shattering revelation, but I've learned that blogs work best when smart, respectful and positive people interact and become involved with the blogger. Oh hey, no, dude, yeah, no, not in THAT way, just on the blog. Whether you agree or disagree, its nice to know that there is someone out there to be that sounding board. So, is anybody listening?

Being heard is part of what makes this country work, and when people aren't being heard, or suppressed, then things start to go terribly wrong. That is part (just part) of what has made me so mad about this administration. It is patently UNAMERICAN the way they have tirelessly and systematically worked to suprress the dissent to their facacta policies. They corraled protesters at the 2004 Republican National Convention into fenced in "free speech zones" and then beat and harrassed the protesters. I thought the entire country was a free speech zone. Short of yellling fire in a crowded theater, I always thought you couldn't be oppressedbased just on your words, no matter how outrageous the government thinks they are.

They did the same thing with the protesters along the "parade route" for W's 2004 "inauguration." (Hint: I'm using quotes to denote what is faux or kind of a joke. You'll see as I go along.) And what about the "public appearances" made by W, wherein each and every person was thoroughly prescreened to be rabidly pro-President, and any sign of dissent resulted in a "dis-invitation" to that event. I always wonder if those head-nodders and lackeys behind W while he is "talking" have any idea how pathetically fake these staged events are. And anyone who sneaks past this "pre-screening" and has the nerve to exercise their free speech, gets a "feet-first escort" out of the building, by personnel paid for with your tax dollars, thank you very much. You see my theme here, nes pa?

So the point is, this country wouldn't be half as divided, and half the people wouldn't be half as angry if maybe, just once, or even twice, we got the feeling that "they" were listening, and being thoughtful, and taking everything into account. But the damage is done. We know for a fact that they haven't listened. And, as the saying goes, with apologies to Robert Frost, "that has made all the difference." Now, with the blogs, unedited, unvetted, unscreened and unfettered, we can ask, truly, and without fear, is anybody listening?

Next time in Christopher Robin's Neighborhood...."You call yourself a conservative?"

Inspiration Day

I've been inspired today, the first day of restoring faith in this country, inspired to start a blog, as humble and uninteresting as it may be (for now). I believe its the bloggers who quickly became the last bastion of truth during these last dark six years, all the way from Daily Kos to Faggotyassfaggot. As a common sense liberal, rabid politico and outraged American sick of the lies, I'd like to add my meager voice to the chorus of truth talkers.

I hope you will stop by Christopher Robin's Neighborhood from time to time. If you do, I promise you will never hear "truthiness" or talking points, and all are welcome, with a slice of pie and big glass of milk, ice cold from the fridge.

Next time in Christopher Robin's Neighborhood...."Is anybody listening?"